Recently my husband and I attended a viewing of “Keep the Change,” a film featuring actually autistic adult actors. After the credits several adults formed a panel, opening the floor to discussion of adults on the Autism Spectrum. One of the panelists, Nancy Popkin, the mother of a son with autism, advocate and employee of the Autism Society of NC, …
Part 2: Booking a Disney Cruise, plus understanding the true costs
Cruising Basics If you are considering booking a Disney Cruise with Asperger’s in the house you have additional things to consider aside from general planning. Even so, there are planning basics we all need to cover. In this post we are going to talk about making reservations, costs (yes, we’ll talk finances!), and other general booking considerations. Some will be …
Part 1: A mother-daughter Disney cruise: the back story
The Background Over a year ago, my daughter had a big ask. She wanted to do a mother-daughter vacation and wasn’t going to take “maybe” as an answer. Anyone familiar with our family knows the word “vacation” oft resides in a fantasy world. Raising a child on the Autism Spectrum means many things, including a shift in priorities with finances …
The YouTube channel is now live!
So, I did it. I finally listened to him and did it. Now, it’s all over the Internet. Am I embarrassed? Not really. What am I talking about? I started a YouTube channel. Who encouraged me to create it? My webmaster. No, really. (And I was supposed to give it a whirl many moons ago. Sorry for taking so long, …
New Aspie parent? Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone.
Your child was diagnosed with Asperger’s? She’s on the Autism Spectrum? And you’re feeling overwhelmed? You’ve got this – even if it feels like the world is slipping through your fingers. How can I dare say “you’ve got this” with confidence? Because I’ve been there – and I’m still there. Who am I? Who is our family? I’m glad you …
Happy 2018! Update: Where we’ve been, what to expect in 2018!
Hi everyone! I hope 2018 is finding you well and content! There is much to share with you; I’m not quite sure how to start. Against my better judgment, I’m bringing out the ol’ “listicle.” Not sure what a “listicle” is? It’s a list disguised as a blog post. Personally, I try to avoid ‘em, but there’s a bunch to …
November Update – Mind the Gap!
When my husband went to the UK on a work trip he came home with a phrase lodged in his brain. That simple phrase,“Mind the Gap!” is quite common to many, He heard it while learning to take the Tube, underground transportation in London. This week that phrase popped into my own mind but brought forth a different meaning. Sometimes, …
Growing up Appalachian – The Swimming Hole by Julie Clark
When my mother and father met there was much consternation on the part of my grandparents. My father was from the hills and my mother most certainly was not. Although that is a story for another moment, being my father’s daughter means I have a background many mock but one that I cherish. I was born and raised so close …
Back to School Reminders for Aspie Families
Today’s post is a bit brief and to the point. After all, the beginning of the school year crams our schedules like no other time of year, doesn’t it? Here are a few simple reminders as your Aspie family switches from summer schedule to the school schedule. Cheers! Regardless if you are homeschooling, private schooling or public schooling (what my …
Social Media Policy
Today’s post is short and…dull. (Updated as of 09.18.2017) For any of you who follow me, if asked, you can answer in a heartbeat that Twitter is my modus operandi for social media. Here’s a quick note on how I view and use it and other social media platforms, FAQ style: Is this (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, FB, etc.) your personal …