Just as winter finally gives way to spring, scores of high school students will receive their final acceptance notices. Many will have a choice of schools to attend, and most will have until sometime in May to make that decision final. It can be a nerve-wracking time for most of these teens, as college is anything but a small decision …
Jess, Josh and the Old Lady – Flash Fiction by Julie Clark
Somehow, the sun found its way through the brittle blinds, prying my eyes open. My husband absentmindedly hit the snooze button for the third time, oblivious to the new reality that awaited us both. Quickly scrolling through my Twitter feed, last night’s news had morphed into today’s nightmare. “What time did you go to bed last night?” he yawned, stretching, …
My Own Flavor of Thankfulness 2016
As I write this, it’s Thanksgiving Eve in my country; a time to stop, reflect and dig deep for something to be thankful for. As parents of special needs children, we truly have much to be thankful for. Sure, our concept of “normal” does not reflect what our surrounding culture deems “typical,” but that doesn’t make our experience any less, …