When my husband went to the UK on a work trip he came home with a phrase lodged in his brain. That simple phrase,“Mind the Gap!” is quite common to many, He heard it while learning to take the Tube, underground transportation in London. This week that phrase popped into my own mind but brought forth a different meaning. Sometimes, we have gaps in our lives. It’s part of being human, isn’t it? It can be anything from taking a year (or more) off from college or work, or any other reason life throws our way. When we are in the gap there is a lot we can and should learn, but once we cross over it, we need to choose to move forward and leave what’s behind… behind.
For those of you who have followed my family for a while, you know there is a gap in time from when “Asperger’s in Pink” was released until now. Lots of life happened and this year has been all about clearing that gap and moving forward. Here’s a peek into my own gap and where things are today.
For those who aren’t aware, my husband suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH, also known as bleeding on the brain) a few years back. He is doing really well since his stroke. There are lifelong adjustments, but all things considered his truly is a success story. He had a slim chance of survival and returning to “normal.” Needless to say, life paused for all of us for a few years while we worked to help him heal (the main basis for my writing “gap”). Thankfully, he’s doing great and able to work in the same job he had before. By the way, if you follow “Asperger’s in Pink” on Facebook, he’s the one behind the keyboard most of the time! Stop by and tell him “hi!”
Of course, my Aspergirl is also forefront in my mind when thinking about the past few years! She graduates from college next spring. We are so proud of her and all she’s accomplished! We realize not everyone on the Autism Spectrum will go to college, but many do. If you want to talk about the process, what we kept in mind and what worked (and what did not), let me know.
As for me, the past year has been about getting back to writing books. Those of you I’ve met have truly been an inspiration to me as I move forward! Thank you! As you know, writing a book is a long process from finishing the book to seeing it in print. Thanks for your patience as I work to get more books out there! For now, want a sneak peek at what I’m working on?
I continue to write about Asperger’s but am shifting genres. In response to feedback from readers as well as my own desires (and my daughter’s input), I am delving into fiction pieces that feature those on the Autism Spectrum in the leading roles. It’s too soon to give away much more than that, so stay tuned! I’m very excited about this change! K is helping me, too. Her voice is crucial as these pieces take shape.
As for the blog, it’s finally getting some love! (However, needing to get this current book idea submitted for consideration is taking precedence this month, so expect the blog to be a little quieter while I finish this project up.)
Even though I am moving to write fiction I remain committed to providing information that helps others better understand Asperger’s using a strengths-based approach from a mom’s POV. And in all honesty, from the POV of someone who shares those traits, including SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). This includes writing on the blog, writing articles, as well as consulting/coaching those interested in learning more. In other words, I’m here if you need help!
How are you doing? Drop a comment below and say hi, I’d love to hear from you! I hope November is treating you well!
Wishing you all the best,
- Julie