Today’s post is a bit brief and to the point. After all, the beginning of the school year crams our schedules like no other time of year, doesn’t it?
Here are a few simple reminders as your Aspie family switches from summer schedule to the school schedule. Cheers!
Regardless if you are homeschooling, private schooling or public schooling (what my K did), there is a change in routine. Not only are we (likely) changing things such as what time we get up and go to bed, we are also changing where we go after we’re up and dressed. Instead of heading to camp, daycare/the babysitter or to the neighborhood pool we’re heading to school. All this morning change can quickly lead to chaos. Keep in mind this is an adjustment period, not a permanent state of things. Choose to be patient with each other. Also choose to reconsider the morning routine if things aren’t flowing as they need to.
There will (likely) be paperwork, and lots of it.
Whether it’s papers in hand or online, don’t forget to make sure every form is filled out and signed. Yes, this may mean a few longer nights but things such as health forms, permissions, etc., are necessary in order to start off each school year. Are they fun? Not really. But, yes, they need doing.
It is very much ok to ask your kids how the school day went.
It’s also ok not to hammer them with question after question. However, especially during the first few weeks of school, be sure to ask them if there is anything you, as a parent, need to know or sign for them. Executive functioning isn’t always strong with Aspies, so it is a good thing to be sure to ask this simple question daily. Hopefully, they will start to provide you this information upfront. If not, it’s ok. Executive functioning skills take a while to develop.
Yes, the first few weeks of school can be overwhelming, but make a decision not to overwhelm the student(s) in your home. (Chances are they are already overwhelmed!) Focus on the main things first: paperwork, homework, signing up for clubs, sports (things with deadlines) etc… Let all the other things come naturally.
Yes, for us Aspie families planning and organization is necessary.
But there is a such as thing as taking on too much too soon as well as over planning. (*Raises hand as a master over planner.*) Focus on what needs to be done now and choose not to become overwhelmed in the moment.
As hectic and stressful as these first few weeks can be, take a moment to enjoy your family.
All too soon, school days will end. My Aspie is off to college; watching all the yellow buses traverse my neighborhood is rather bittersweet. As proud as we are of her, we also miss her plopping that heavy backpack on one of the chairs, running to the kitchen for a snack and an after school break. In other words, take a moment to enjoy your family as that, too, is an important way to start the school year.
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