Oh. My. Gosh. I’ve missed this. More importantly, I’ve missed all of you! How have you been? Yes, I haven’t been here in a while. (Why, you ask? We’ll get to that shortly.) And it looks like the year that shall not be numbered has stopped by my website. *sigh* So, before stretching my fingers and getting back to what …
Fear Based Writing and the Future of this Blog
One of my favorite bloggers is Chuck Wendig of the infamous Terrible Minds blog. And, no, I will never portend to think I’ll have a site resembling even a semicolon of his. But what I’ve always admired about his site is that it is unabashedly, unapologetically, down to the very last swearword… his. His interests, his musings and his career …
Dear Creatives, Stop Giving Away the Store
Imagine standing in line at the grocery store. The person in front of you is a few dollars short. It appears they are on hard times as their clothes are worn and dated, the items in their cart few and basic. They appear to be doing what they can to simply survive. An inner nudge causes you to hand over …
Three Tips for Using Social Media, Plus How I Use it (FAQ)
updated February, 2019, originally posted in July, 2016 The other day, I saw an article about things writers should and should not do on social media. Of course, I clicked on it. After all, being the kind of writer that feels she continually has room for improvement, I read it, and then decided I’m good. Not because I can check …
November News and Updates!
Hi everyone! How are things going in your own little corner of the world? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Here’s what’s up with us! Family News and Updates In August, we moved K to her internship, where she is learning the valuable lesson of living on low intern wages. Still, she’s living her dream and we are happy for …
News and Updates for August 2018
Hey everyone! How has your summer been? (Or winter for those down under?) May through June is typically when I take on a temp project that keeps me away from here, and this year was no exception. In addition, K graduated college with honors this past June, and we couldn’t be more proud! She spent the bulk of the summer …
Parenting is Hard (Graduation Ramblings)
In a few short weeks our daughter graduates from college. There are details to shore up, reservations to check, and a mound of packing none of us want to even think about after four years living on campus. Somewhere along the line we had this vision that once college graduation day came around, she’d also graduate into full adulthood and …
The Dead Zone, Flash Fiction Challenge
Dust kicked up as the first tourists headed down the stretch to Ma Winter’s homestead. The sky teased puffs of white, though no rain would fall today. Emma Winter stared cautiously at the rental, its driver weaving, unsure at the wheel. As long as she didn’t veer from the road, it was no matter to her. Money is money, no …
International Women’s Day and Why We Shared Our Story
Talking to my Aspergirl yesterday (ok, texting… we both avoid speaking on an actual phone at all costs) International Women’s Day came up. She’s studying gender in college, so it was something already on her radar. She’s quite passionate about women’s issues supporting movies such as “Wonder Woman” that use females in strong, leading roles. She’s even used our book …
Part 3: Packing and Embarkation Day! Going on a Disney Cruise with Asperger’s
Ready, Set, Pack! Now that tickets are purchased, it’s time to start thinking about what you’ll need to pack for your upcoming Disney Cruise! K and I are so excited for you! Since the Disney Cruise Line offers so many options when it comes to cruises (locations, length and times of year), it’s impossible to address every iteration for what …