As I mentioned in another post, one of my favorite things about being an author is meeting incredible people who make this journey worthwhile. I keep (albeit loosely) in touch with one of these amazing humans on social media. Not too long ago she posted something that truly made my heart sing – for her. She posted how she is …
Fear Based Writing and the Future of this Blog
One of my favorite bloggers is Chuck Wendig of the infamous Terrible Minds blog. And, no, I will never portend to think I’ll have a site resembling even a semicolon of his. But what I’ve always admired about his site is that it is unabashedly, unapologetically, down to the very last swearword… his. His interests, his musings and his career …
International Women’s Day and Why We Shared Our Story
Talking to my Aspergirl yesterday (ok, texting… we both avoid speaking on an actual phone at all costs) International Women’s Day came up. She’s studying gender in college, so it was something already on her radar. She’s quite passionate about women’s issues supporting movies such as “Wonder Woman” that use females in strong, leading roles. She’s even used our book …
New Aspie parent? Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone.
Your child was diagnosed with Asperger’s? She’s on the Autism Spectrum? And you’re feeling overwhelmed? You’ve got this – even if it feels like the world is slipping through your fingers. How can I dare say “you’ve got this” with confidence? Because I’ve been there – and I’m still there. Who am I? Who is our family? I’m glad you …
Happy 2018! Update: Where we’ve been, what to expect in 2018!
Hi everyone! I hope 2018 is finding you well and content! There is much to share with you; I’m not quite sure how to start. Against my better judgment, I’m bringing out the ol’ “listicle.” Not sure what a “listicle” is? It’s a list disguised as a blog post. Personally, I try to avoid ‘em, but there’s a bunch to …
Seeing Asperger’s with a Thankful Heart
A few years ago, K became quite upset. The details are fuzzy, but it likely involved a would-be friend who let her down or something else that people do to make like complex and frustrating. Asperger’s, to K, means Sensory Processing Disorder, which effects how she experiences life. Sometimes, this means shoving hands over ears or choosing comfort over fashion …
November Update – Mind the Gap!
When my husband went to the UK on a work trip he came home with a phrase lodged in his brain. That simple phrase,“Mind the Gap!” is quite common to many, He heard it while learning to take the Tube, underground transportation in London. This week that phrase popped into my own mind but brought forth a different meaning. Sometimes, …
November, the Month of Thankfulness and my Aspie
Happy November! In my part of the world, this is the month we set aside to have a thankful outlook. Amidst pumpkins and turkeys, plus stores blaring Christmas music way too soon, social media is filled with people talking thankfulness. From posting a thankful thought each day to merely taking a break from materialism, I’ve always enjoyed reading what others …
Money Handling and Asperger’s
My Aspergirl is getting older and I’m finding myself a bit reflective. I think of how she was a spunky kid, how she loved her stuffed animals as much as anything and how she’s forever changed my perspective on life. With that deep introspective comes all sorts of “what could I have done better-s” flooding my mind. I’m sure it’s …
Parenting Talks for October plus a Blogging Update!
It’s funny how something small, roughly 6 x 8 inches give or take, can transform a life such as mine. Sound dramatic? Yeah. But the truth is I struggle with ADD. This was a truth I needed to face head-on in order to keep the website current. So, I got a planner. And honestly, it’s helping me focus on what …
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