Change. One of those things we always seem to hear about. It’s welcome. It’s needed. It’s something we want to kick to the curb or ignore. Pace. How fast we move. How fast – or slow – things move us. Chatting over coffee after yoga class, my friend and I took a break from the chaos of life to simply …
Parents, watch that post!
MomDad, did you see that? That… thing. Tweet, pic, snap, story… whatever it was. Did you SEE it? Did you see it through the eyes of your child 20 years from now? Yes, we live in a world where everything we do, say – even think – is shared with the world. At least it seems that way much of …
Why can’t we all just get along?
Seriously, why? Why can’t we all just get along? This has been on my mind lately. Multiple levels, multiple ‘verses I swim around. Family, work, heck, even the world! We don’t have to like each other, but it would be pretty sweet if we chose to live and get along with each other in spite of ourselves. A simple hello. …
Just Breathe
Hi there. It’s been a while. Sounds like the beginning of a bad commercial, doesn’t it? TL;DR, I have a new computer! (Yay!) Funny thing is, I wrote posts off my iPad last year. Turns out none of them saved to the website. *inserting grumpy faced emoji* Seriously. I wrote a few. Posted a few. I thought. Has that happened …
Living Authentically
As I mentioned in another post, one of my favorite things about being an author is meeting incredible people who make this journey worthwhile. I keep (albeit loosely) in touch with one of these amazing humans on social media. Not too long ago she posted something that truly made my heart sing – for her. She posted how she is …
Finding Myself After Leaving Evangelical Christianity
The process was brutal. The onset unexpected. The outcome, life changing. Finally, I am “home.” Several years ago my husband and I sat down to a nondescript dinner. It was a typical weekday, and we weren’t talking about anything out of the ordinary. From what I recall, it was just another night sharing a meal together. Out of the blue, …
Coming Home to Yourself
This blog, at times, discusses personal experiences leaving evangelical fundamentalist Christianity. This is one of those times. The following experiences and views are my own. Due to the nature of this post, comments are closed. If you wish to continue the conversation, you may reach out to me personally on Twitter. One of my favorite Aspies I’ve met during my …
3 Things: Be nice. Work hard. Be brave.
Company values are something I’ve always paid attention to, no matter where I’ve worked. When I ran my small business I created them, too, and still have my own set of personal values I strive for. These three, succinct concepts fit well the workplace: Be kind. Work hard. Be brave. In fact, I love these so much, I bought the …
Gen X: A Generation in the Shadow
The other day, I walked down the hall to go talk to someone I work with. Yes, I still go to a physical workplace; I work in critical manufacturing. The menace keeping so many home and hurting right now is largely why we still have our doors open. But this short piece isn’t about that. Where was I? Right… Walking. …
January 2021 – Begin Again
2021 Did you hear that? Was it a sigh of relief? Or was it a deep breath, taken in desperation after breaking through the surface of a new year, only to dive back into the dark, cold waters yet again? Water. Remember the old query that splits the optimists from the pessimists? Simply show a glass with water in it. …