My Aspergirl is getting older and I’m finding myself a bit reflective. I think of how she was a spunky kid, how she loved her stuffed animals as much as anything and how she’s forever changed my perspective on life. With that deep introspective comes all sorts of “what could I have done better-s” flooding my mind. I’m sure it’s …
Parenting Talks for October plus a Blogging Update!
It’s funny how something small, roughly 6 x 8 inches give or take, can transform a life such as mine. Sound dramatic? Yeah. But the truth is I struggle with ADD. This was a truth I needed to face head-on in order to keep the website current. So, I got a planner. And honestly, it’s helping me focus on what …
Growing up Appalachian – The Swimming Hole by Julie Clark
When my mother and father met there was much consternation on the part of my grandparents. My father was from the hills and my mother most certainly was not. Although that is a story for another moment, being my father’s daughter means I have a background many mock but one that I cherish. I was born and raised so close …
Support for Victims of Harvey and Irma with Autism, Asperger’s and Other Special Needs
Is hurricane Harvey or Irma causing upset in your own life? Or in the lives of those you care about? If you are an Autism Spectrum or Special Needs family, significant weather events like these are disruptive in ways that may not coincide with what we see on TV. One area of concern is the overwhelming anxiety many living life …
Back to School Reminders for Aspie Families
Today’s post is a bit brief and to the point. After all, the beginning of the school year crams our schedules like no other time of year, doesn’t it? Here are a few simple reminders as your Aspie family switches from summer schedule to the school schedule. Cheers! Regardless if you are homeschooling, private schooling or public schooling (what my …
Going to Southeast Psych March 4th!
Southeast Psych is a really awesome Aspie haven. Just walk in there, look around and you’ll know you are surrounded by people who “get” Aspies. I’m honored to be a guest there this Saturday, March 4, 2017 at one of their Aspie Parent Support Groups. I’ll talk a bit about what’s been going on with us, but I am especially …
My Own Flavor of Thankfulness 2016
As I write this, it’s Thanksgiving Eve in my country; a time to stop, reflect and dig deep for something to be thankful for. As parents of special needs children, we truly have much to be thankful for. Sure, our concept of “normal” does not reflect what our surrounding culture deems “typical,” but that doesn’t make our experience any less, …
You’ve Got This!
On a recent call with a client, we talked about how sometimes it seems as if forces that are supposed to be with us are often, in our perception, against us. This can mean we may feel that anything from school to family to even the medical community is making our lives harder. Right after a diagnosis, these feelings can …
A Personal Tribute to Wayne Gilpin by Julie Clark
Several years ago, a mom was incredibly overwhelmed yet determined. Her daughter was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (then called Asperger’s Syndrome) and the resources for girls with autism were few and far between. Doubters and difficult people, however, were plentiful. Many saw her daughter as nothing short of a trouble maker, while others saw this mom and her husband …