Is hurricane Harvey or Irma causing upset in your own life? Or in the lives of those you care about? If you are an Autism Spectrum or Special Needs family, significant weather events like these are disruptive in ways that may not coincide with what we see on TV. One area of concern is the overwhelming anxiety many living life on the Autism Spectrum endure when life turns upside down – or when it simply threatens to.
My publisher, Future Horizons, is offering a FREE downloadable PDF by Carol Gray, noted social stories expert. This piece is written to help anyone who is (or who may be in) a position to talk with those who have autism and are facing the unrest brought on by Harvey and Irma. You can find it here:
My publisher, Future Horizons, is offering a FREE downloadable PDF by Carol Gray
Carol Gray is the social stories expert. I believe you will find this information quite helpful!
If you have your own stories and tips, I’d love to hear them and will share any that will offer help to others. For now, the best way to get those to me is via Twitter (you can find me here: @_JulieClark_) I’m also sporadically (more like spastically…) on Instagram (@_JulieClark_ ) and just set up a Tumblr blog a few days back (authorjulieclark). Honestly, I’m still feeling my way around both those places. However, if you tag me there I’ll do my best to share any tips from you.
It’s important at times like these to remember we all handle stress differently. That’s ok. Respect how everyone in your family responds to stress and anxiety and adjust your own thought processes and following actions accordingly. In simple terms, be kind, show love through action, be patient.
We’ll all get through this.
It goes without saying my family’s thoughts go out to all affected. As for us (as of this writing) it looks like we’ll be largely spared from Irma, though a few winds coupled with rain may cause a few headaches. But, like you, we’ll be alright in the end.
Wishing you all peace and health!