January 2021 – Begin Again

2021 Did you hear that? Was it a sigh of relief? Or was it a deep breath, taken in desperation after breaking through the surface of a new year, only to dive back into the dark, cold waters yet again? Water. Remember the old query that splits the optimists from the pessimists? Simply show a glass with water in it. …

Fear Based Writing and the Future of this Blog

One of my favorite bloggers is Chuck Wendig of the infamous Terrible Minds blog. And, no, I will never portend to think I’ll have a site resembling even a semicolon of his. But what I’ve always admired about his site is that it is unabashedly, unapologetically, down to the very last swearword… his. His interests, his musings and his career …

Three Tips for Using Social Media, Plus How I Use it (FAQ)

updated February, 2019, originally posted in July, 2016 The other day, I saw an article about things writers should and should not do on social media. Of course, I clicked on it. After all, being the kind of writer that feels she continually has room for improvement, I read it, and then decided I’m good. Not because I can check …

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! Whether you are celebrating Christmas, celebrated Hanukkah, or are looking forward to the Winter Solstice, I hope all is merry and bright for you this December! This post is short and to the point, as most of us tend to be swamped right now! I’ve done a longer video on today’s topic for those interested and I’ll post …

How to Choose a Planner for 2019! (Aspie, SPD focus)

Are you in the process of looking for the “right” planner for next year? Are you unsure which type is best for you? Or not even sure where to start? In this post we’ll go over a few planners I’m using and talk about pros and cons of each. And, of course, we’ll talk with Asperger’s in mind, but this …

November News and Updates!

Hi everyone! How are things going in your own little corner of the world? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Here’s what’s up with us! Family News and Updates In August, we moved K to her internship, where she is learning the valuable lesson of living on low intern wages. Still, she’s living her dream and we are happy for …