Privacy Policy for Please scroll down for GDPR compliance re: our privacy policy. This first section is primarily geared toward those outside the EU. The privacy of our visitors to is important to us. At, we recognize that privacy of your personal information is important. Here is information on what types of personal information we receive and collect …
Pro Bono Requests
As a freelance writer my words and my work are inseparable. Due to my schedule I regret am no longer able to accept requests for uncompensated work such as articles or writing a chapter or two for a book. If you are interested in hiring me for a project, contact me at: authorjulieclark (at) gmail (dot) com for current availability. …
Comments Policy
Due to the nature of the web, all comments are currently closed. When sharing my work or connecting with me (or my fans) online, please know the following is not tolerated: racism sexism hatred abuse trolls spam proselytizing any other -ism or comments deemed unacceptable The goal of my family’s work has always been to promote understanding and tolerance. Sure, …
What color is the number 2? A quick intro to Synesthesia by Julie Clark
When you look at this graphic, what is your first thought? Do you agree with it, even in part? Is it entirely wrong? Or does it absolutely confuse you? Does it make you wonder what was going on inside my head when it was made? The answers to those questions may reveal whether you are a fellow “synesthete,” which may …
Support for Victims of Harvey and Irma with Autism, Asperger’s and Other Special Needs
Is hurricane Harvey or Irma causing upset in your own life? Or in the lives of those you care about? If you are an Autism Spectrum or Special Needs family, significant weather events like these are disruptive in ways that may not coincide with what we see on TV. One area of concern is the overwhelming anxiety many living life …
Back to School Reminders for Aspie Families
Today’s post is a bit brief and to the point. After all, the beginning of the school year crams our schedules like no other time of year, doesn’t it? Here are a few simple reminders as your Aspie family switches from summer schedule to the school schedule. Cheers! Regardless if you are homeschooling, private schooling or public schooling (what my …
Going to Southeast Psych March 4th!
Southeast Psych is a really awesome Aspie haven. Just walk in there, look around and you’ll know you are surrounded by people who “get” Aspies. I’m honored to be a guest there this Saturday, March 4, 2017 at one of their Aspie Parent Support Groups. I’ll talk a bit about what’s been going on with us, but I am especially …
Social Media Policy
Today’s post is short and…dull. (Updated as of 09.18.2017) For any of you who follow me, if asked, you can answer in a heartbeat that Twitter is my modus operandi for social media. Here’s a quick note on how I view and use it and other social media platforms, FAQ style: Is this (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, FB, etc.) your personal …
Pause the Pink; Try on Red
Several years back, there was an episode of Seinfeld called, “The Sponge,” where the infamous and eccentric Kramer enters a walk for a popular cause but refuses to wear a ribbon. Despite pledging his loyalty to this cause, uproar ensues and he is physically assaulted. Just because he won’t wear a ribbon. For a cause he truly believes in. Fast …
How to Help Your Teen Pick a College by Julie Clark
Just as winter finally gives way to spring, scores of high school students will receive their final acceptance notices. Many will have a choice of schools to attend, and most will have until sometime in May to make that decision final. It can be a nerve-wracking time for most of these teens, as college is anything but a small decision …