Every Christmas, my daughter sets up a spreadsheet. She knows what she wants and goes to the trouble of categorizing gift ideas. My family has always been about getting lists together for each other, so this isn’t unusual for us, at all. In fact, it’s helpful. If you’ve read “Asperger’s in Pink,” you are already familiar with how my Aspie …
Seeing Asperger’s with a Thankful Heart
A few years ago, K became quite upset. The details are fuzzy, but it likely involved a would-be friend who let her down or something else that people do to make like complex and frustrating. Asperger’s, to K, means Sensory Processing Disorder, which effects how she experiences life. Sometimes, this means shoving hands over ears or choosing comfort over fashion …
The Holidays and Extended Family
When K was younger, she considered holiday meal time nothing less than an abomination. First, there was the timing. Many holiday “dinners” were timed smack between lunch and supper, making the phrase “dinner” a source of constant consternation. Then there was the food, itself. Even when the main holiday meal was around noon, the fact that it was “dinner food” …
November, the Month of Thankfulness and my Aspie
Happy November! In my part of the world, this is the month we set aside to have a thankful outlook. Amidst pumpkins and turkeys, plus stores blaring Christmas music way too soon, social media is filled with people talking thankfulness. From posting a thankful thought each day to merely taking a break from materialism, I’ve always enjoyed reading what others …
The Scariest Parenting Talk of All
When I was young and my baby sister was on the way, an aunt of mine took it upon herself to educate me about how my sister came to be. She did this by handing me a book, “Where did I Come From?” by Peter Mayle. That book lives in infamy in my family. I still don’t know if my …
The Carolina Renaissance Festival, a Feast for the Sensory
Before my Aspergirl flew out of the nest to college, we took yearly a “mother-daughter day” in the fall. This time together was unbreakable. We’d pick a sunny weekend morning and drive over to the Renaissance Festival early, just as the gates opened. My husband would stay home with the dog, and a bit of peace and quiet, as the …
Halloween from a Sensory Avoiding POV
Halloween + Sensory Processing Disorder = marriage in heaven. Or hell. It all depends on your perspective. As Temple Grandin has said, it is likely all on the Autism Spectrum have some form of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). But did you know that some with SPD are not on the Autism Spectrum? There are many of us who have unique …
Driving and Asperger’s
It’s October, the scariest month of the year! It seems fitting the next post in the “Scary Parenting Talks” series is about driving. Yes, I know, many of you can’t wait to teach your kids to drive. But I know there are many out there who are dreading it! Much of what’s in this post about driving can apply to …
Money Handling and Asperger’s
My Aspergirl is getting older and I’m finding myself a bit reflective. I think of how she was a spunky kid, how she loved her stuffed animals as much as anything and how she’s forever changed my perspective on life. With that deep introspective comes all sorts of “what could I have done better-s” flooding my mind. I’m sure it’s …
Parenting Talks for October plus a Blogging Update!
It’s funny how something small, roughly 6 x 8 inches give or take, can transform a life such as mine. Sound dramatic? Yeah. But the truth is I struggle with ADD. This was a truth I needed to face head-on in order to keep the website current. So, I got a planner. And honestly, it’s helping me focus on what …