Part 1: A mother-daughter Disney cruise: the back story

The Background Over a year ago, my daughter had a big ask. She wanted to do a mother-daughter vacation and wasn’t going to take “maybe” as an answer. Anyone familiar with our family knows the word “vacation” oft resides in a fantasy world. Raising a child on the Autism Spectrum means many things, including a shift in priorities with finances …

New Aspie parent? Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone.

Your child was diagnosed with Asperger’s? She’s on the Autism Spectrum? And you’re feeling overwhelmed? You’ve got this – even if it feels like the world is slipping through your fingers. How can I dare say “you’ve got this” with confidence? Because I’ve been there – and I’m still there. Who am I? Who is our family? I’m glad you …

Happy 2018! Update: Where we’ve been, what to expect in 2018!

Hi everyone! I hope 2018 is finding you well and content! There is much to share with you; I’m not quite sure how to start. Against my better judgment, I’m bringing out the ol’ “listicle.” Not sure what a “listicle” is? It’s a list disguised as a blog post. Personally, I try to avoid ‘em, but there’s a bunch to …

Gift Giving and Asperger’s

Every Christmas, my daughter sets up a spreadsheet. She knows what she wants and goes to the trouble of categorizing gift ideas. My family has always been about getting lists together for each other, so this isn’t unusual for us, at all. In fact, it’s helpful. If you’ve read “Asperger’s in Pink,” you are already familiar with how my Aspie …

The Holidays and Extended Family

When K was younger, she considered holiday meal time nothing less than an abomination. First, there was the timing. Many holiday “dinners” were timed smack between lunch and supper, making the phrase “dinner” a source of constant consternation. Then there was the food, itself. Even when the main holiday meal was around noon, the fact that it was “dinner food” …

Halloween from a Sensory Avoiding POV

Halloween + Sensory Processing Disorder = marriage in heaven. Or hell. It all depends on your perspective. As Temple Grandin has said, it is likely all on the Autism Spectrum have some form of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). But did you know that some with SPD are not on the Autism Spectrum? There are many of us who have unique …