Welcome to my little home in the ether!
This site is home for my online life. I love it! Thank you for stopping by!
Who am I? How did this all start?
Good question! First and foremost, I am like you; unique and forever learning, working to be the best I can be. Although I have many interests, Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Syndrome Disorder) is one of the top. My daughter is an Aspie, and now a young adult. Our book was one of the first that worked to address females on the Autism Spectrum, an honor we don’t take lightly. It has been recommended by Dr. Tony Attwood, too. In other words, we have worked hard to share information that will benefit others. I say “we” as this is truly a family affair. Even though I do the bulk of the writing, my daughter and husband are also involved in this work.
Over the years, the landscape of autism continues to change, with more voices adding into the mix, dotting hills and valleys adding texture with beautiful color and sound. This was one of the goals of Asperger’s in Pink; to coax others to share their stories, to spread acceptance of Asperger’s and let others know they are not alone. In fact, we believe there is nothing wrong with having Asperger’s. Hardly. We believe it is another way of thinking, of experiencing this thing we call life.
As you may imagine, my work comes from the viewpoint of a mom who has walked down the Aspie path for well over a decade. It is also from someone with Sensory Processing Disorder: me. But, like you, I have more than one interest. Aside from parenting as Asperger’s I also dabble in other areas, including women’s rights and even fiction.
For those of you looking for more nuts and bolts, I hold a BA in Communications. (I also hold CPT certification – manufacturing tech.)
What do I write about?
For the past decade or so, I have been writing on topics centering on parenting, Autism Spectrum/Asperger’s, and general family life, and have been published in various magazines, on the web, and, of course, my book, Asperger’s in Pink. As time moves on, so have I and I have moved into covering other subjects. Reigniting my love of and connection with nature, takes me off the beaten path more times than not. In other words, there is more to me than writing on autism; I love rocks and stars, too.
Interested in hiring me to write for you?
Awesome! I’m happy to help if it’s a fit for both of us. Due to my writing schedule I take on a limited amount of freelance requests each year. Interested? Send me a message to: me (at) authorjulieclark (dot) com and we’ll go from there.
Just want to read a little?
Snag a copy of my book*, “Asperger’s in Pink,” if you’d like to sit and read a spell. If you’d like to stay here and get comfortable, click on my blog tab, “Blog,” for the latest.
One other thing you should know*:
Like most bloggers, I do participate in affiliate marketing programs. This is one way I generate income to support this website and blog, keeping it active and free to read. What this means is from time to time I may post links to items where I receive a small commission from purchases at no additional cost to you (such as the link to my book above). Any blog piece that contains affiliate marketing will be noted as such, in accordance with FTC guidelines. Sometimes, there’s no affiliation; I merely link to thing I think will help you! If you see no disclaimer on a blog article, then that means all links in that piece are unaffiliated.
Regarding Amazon: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This is at no additional cost to you if you use those links.
However, we are in the process of removing all such links and affiliations.
Thank you for stopping by!